Playing with bit masks

With storage and bandwidth being easily available, compressing data for general use is less of a concern today than it was 20 years ago. However neither is free or unlimited, and with large scale applications a few bits can get multiplied over a few million connections; similarly, we may be talking to a client living on a smart toaster which doesn’t have much in the way of storage space. In both situations, reducing the size of the data we are storing or sending may be technically necessary, and save on operational costs.

One way to do this is to use bit operations to reduce a state to a single number. This is nothing new; anyone who has ever used flags knows how it works. The catch is that you cannot crunch detailed information in this way; it only works for boolean values. Even so, depending on the structure of your data you should be able to leverage it rather easily.

For these examples we’ll use JavaScript; however the concepts apply to any language. Continue reading “Playing with bit masks”

Templating a WordPress theme with Twig

Well, that wasn’t as painful as I thought it would be. Some googling and a couple of experiments went a long way, and now I have a partial, unstyled, Twig-based theme happily running on WordPress.

Twig is a templating engine for php. It has more than enough features to get me going, setting it up is as easy as falling off a tree, and I haven’t used it much, which makes it a good candidate for me. Continue reading “Templating a WordPress theme with Twig”

The blog refactoring of 2013

While I was writing the last few posts, the messiness of the blog’s code base started grating. A while back I’d rebuilt the template from scratch so I wouldn’t have pieces of page all over – I hate having elements opening in one file and closing in another – but even so, the structure of the scripts and styles isn’t all that great. Today I started reorganizing stuff so I can bring it up to shape with shiny new toys. And this time, I’ll try to do it in a more organized way; writing about it helps, as I have to get my thoughts in order to do that – and I can’t write text and code at the same time. The pauses will be handy.

Continue reading “The blog refactoring of 2013”

Canvas Animation using interpolation

While drawing things on the canvas and scooting around them is nice, it gets old very fast. Instantaneously, if you’re an end user (unless you’re on a page for looking at things, in which case, no foul). On the other hand, there are far more efficient ways of rendering porn and/or amusing pictures of cats, so I’m going to go ahead and assume that we want to liven things up with some animation.

Continue reading “Canvas Animation using interpolation”

Reading Tiled maps for Canvas

In my previous post, I showed an example of a tile map in a viewport, but didn’t go into the details of explaining how the map was generated or loaded. In this post, we’re going to have a look at that.

The map file itself was created using an open source application called Tiled. It’s a neat application, and definitely beats writing out tile maps by hand. If you’re planning to do much work with tile maps, it’s worth checking out.

Continue reading “Reading Tiled maps for Canvas”

A Rough Path Finder in CoffeeScript

I’ve recently been playing with CoffeeScript, a neat little language that compiles to JavaScript. It’s a lot more concise than plain old javascript and can be organised much more tightly, so I’m really having a blast with it. That said, its conventions are a bit different to what I’m used to working with, so more bit of practice is in order.

One of the practice scripts I wrote is a very basic 2d pathfinder, hooked up to an html5 canvas element. The original idea was to get a good feel for the CoffeeScript syntax and then write a bit about it, but a screenshot of the finder on Facebook generated a bit of curiosity among some friends, so this post will be about the pathfinding algorithm instead; the CoffeeScript post will just have to wait a bit longer.


Continue reading “A Rough Path Finder in CoffeeScript”

Easy CSS Management and Spriting With Sass and Compass

Every so often I like to revisit old projects of mine and refactor them a little, either using some new ideas I learnt in the meantime, or trying out some new technique or framework on familiar ground. This time, I’m going over a wordpress theme I made a couple of years ago and using Compass to organize the style sheets. Converting the existing style sheet (circa 8k uncompressed) to SCSS didn’t take long – only a few minutes by hand – and there are tools which you can use to automate the conversion, so it left me plenty of time to explore more Sass features which make style sheet management much easier. Today we’re going to look at command directives and a few basic spriting helpers. Continue reading “Easy CSS Management and Spriting With Sass and Compass”