Reusing Cruise Control .Net Configurations on the Same Instance

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This post follows up from my previous post, Configuring Projects on Multiple Instances of Cruise Control .Net. In one of the comments to this post, Elad asked if it was possible to reuse configuration files on the same instance of Cruise Control.Net. This would make sense in scenarios where you want to keep different branches of the same project integrated on the same machine without re-defining all the configuration for each. While this makes perfect sense, I couldn’t find any way to do this directly, so I tried to come up with a workaround that allows this. Please bear this in mind while you read the rest of this post. My knowledge of XML in general and Cruise Control configurations in particular is neither all-encompassing nor flawless in its brilliance, so there are probably, oh, a few million holes you could poke into this method. That said, I’m always open for comments, so if you have a better way, please share it 🙂 Continue reading “Reusing Cruise Control .Net Configurations on the Same Instance”