Size does matter

Write better JavaScript. Check out The Little Book of JavaScript!

A good user experience requires responsiveness. Speed. Web pages that don’t make you wait more than a couple of seconds while they load, or even worse, load in bits and pieces and reorganize themselves in front of the user; “that’s the way these things work” isn’t good enough an excuse. Your users don’t want to know how your site works (even if your site is about how the internet works – they want to read about the problems, not experience them), they just want to get things done and move on. As Eve says in Gaiman’s The Sandman Vol. 6: Fables and Reflections, “Some people have real problems with the stuff that goes on inside them … sometimes it can just kill the romance”.

Two of the culprits these days seem to be huge JavaScript and CSS files. They’re by no means the only causes, but they can cause trouble at times. Delays when loading a CSS file result in the dreaded flash of unstyled content on some browsers. Problems loading a JavaScript file… well, let’s just say it ain’t pretty. The delivery of these files can be slowed down by a number of factors. File size is one of them; a 168kb file will download considerably more slowly than a 6kb one.

This is made worse by the use of multiple JavaScript and/or CSS files. Separating functionality or styles in a sensible way is heaven-sent when it comes to maintenance, but the way the web works means that it’s a lot easier to download one largish file than several small ones. Multiple files mean that the browser must make multiple requests to the server, and each request carries a small overhead since the server has to include a certain amount of information with each response it makes. To top it off, most browsers are configured to open a limited number of connections to a server at any one time – IE8 allows up to 6 concurrent downloads on broadband, while Firefox allows 8; these connections must be shared between the JavaScript, style, images, and other embedded files. This can cause the downloads to be queued up on pages with a lot of stuff on them.

What we need, then, is a small number of reasonably sized files: how do we get to that?

Continue reading “Size does matter”

Version control for the masses

Version control is one of those weird, geeky things that never really gained much ground in non-geek fields, despite the fact that it’s blindingly useful. Even educational institutions (at least the ones I’ve been able to observe) seem to prefer to omit so much as a mention of it in their technical courses. I can’t really give a reason for this, but it does at least give me the excuse to write a post about version control and kick it off with a rant.

So what’s this version control thing?

Version control (or source control) is nothing more arcane than keeping copies of your work as you make changes to it. On the surface, it’s all straight-forward; make a copy of every file you have before you make any changes to it. That way, if you seriously mess up, you can always fall back to something that worked before, or at least compare your broken copy with one that used to work so you can figure out where it went off kilter. Your client wants the image he told you to throw away two days ago? No problemo – out comes the backup. Accidentally deleted half your thesis and closed the word processor? No problem – out comes the backup.

Now, in the real world, it’s not so easy. Unless you have an iron will, a black belt in filing, and a zen-like ability to name files in a sensible way, you’ll be swamped with a huge number of backups with similar looking names. Something that’s impossibly difficult to find, might as well not exist at all. We want to get the goodies, but really need to keep all those backups out of our way. Luckily there are like, loads of version control systems out there to do the heavy lifting for you.

The rest of this post will be about how to set up a version control system for a single user. We’ll use Subversion, because it’s free, works great, and because I like it. Since we want to keep things as slick as possible, we’re not going to use raw Subversion though – we’re going to use TortoiseSVN, which is also free, also works great, and has nice coloured icons to boot. This neat tool lets you do most of the stuff you want Subversion for, but it lets you do it from Windows Explorer, rather than the command line.

Continue reading “Version control for the masses”

Is this thing on?

Download sample code here (New window)

There’s been a project knocking around the back of my head for a while. I keep putting it off, doing some work on it now and again but never really settling down to really do it. This long weekend turned out to be one of those occasions; I’ve just finished playing Fallout 3 (Awesome game, the ending left a slightly bitter taste in my mouth though) and ended up with nothing to do. Visual Studio to the rescue…

Now what?

If you ever worked on an application that requires Internet connectivity, you will have had to handle situations where the connection may be unavailable for certain periods of time. Sometimes you can get by that by trapping an exception; I know I have, though I still find that particular solution to be somewhat inelegant. What I wanted was some way to monitor the state of the connection and keep track of it. This way, if you need to send a message for example, you can have your application decide whether it should try to send it right away, or whether it should stash it away till the connection becomes available. This post is about how to determine whether a connection is up or down, and notify the application when the state changes. Continue reading “Is this thing on?”

Keep code behind clean

Download the sample code here

Last week, Marlon blogged about how to avoid adding command binding code to code-behind files. The idea is both simple and great, and allows you to keep your code behind nice and clean, and your layers separated. There’s only one (and yes, I’m being very anal here) thing that bugged me with it:

DataContext = new ViewModel(new SampleModel());

or, for that matter, “DataContext = anything”, is still in the code behind class. This can easily be sorted out with some easy data binding and a supporting class. Continue reading “Keep code behind clean”

Dynamic proxies using Castle

The sample code can be downloaded here

This week I found myself with some time on my hands, so I knocked up a simple object pool. It’s fairly standard stuff… you call Fetch to get something out of the pool, and Return to put it back. Fairly standard.

The problem

The call to Return felt a bit annoying. If we forget to call that, we end up leaking resources as we create more and more objects, or get an exception thrown at us. Not good. I wanted something like the using (whatever) syntax, which I think is the most awsome thing ever.

To do that, we’d have to ensure that all the items in the pool implement IDisposable, have a reference back to the pool, and call Return in their dispose method. This isn’t really feasible; for starters, it would tightly couple everything with the pool, which is, like, all sorts of bad. A far better approach is, in my opinion, to wrap the object being pooled to add whatever behaviour I need. Not necessarily a great idea if you don’t know what’s going to be pooled beforehand. Continue reading “Dynamic proxies using Castle”

Should HTML be considered as a data format?

In a short, but thought provoking post, Bertrand Le Roy asks whether HTML has evolved into a purely data carrying format, which is what, after all, it was meant to be in the first place.

Unless I missed the point totally, this is, in fact, the general direction of the XHTML strict specifications. With both appearance (via css) and behaviour (go jQuery!) being decoupled from the data, the contents of the html file represent only content, which is, in my opinion, Web Dev Nirvana. We cannot really have semantic html (as I understand it, this simply means that elements only ever describe what their content is, not what it does or looks like) until we have this separation.

In an aside, Mr. Le Roy says “and if we can ignore the huge majority of existing contents that is less than ideally written”. Thinking about it, it’s not as up-in-the-air-idealistic as it sounds. It’s true that no browser or device intended for browsing the net can afford to ignore 99% of the content out there, but we already have the tools to ignore this: Doctypes. Internet Explorer and Firefox already enforce different rendering rules based on the doctype for a page; if we had an XHTML SERIOUSLYSTRICT doctype, a reader could easily offer the basic or limited functionality to that (or even none at all) and give the really strict documents the real deal.

To cap it off; I don’t think we’re there yet, but we’ll get there eventually, especially once the beefier CSS3 selectors get more widespread support. Once we have those, we can even do away with the class attribute and specify appearance in a purely declarative way, turning our html into pure content.

We’ve already (mostly) moved on from the dark age of blink and marquee tags, but to be honest, we don’t need to remember the bad old days of nested tables and abused markup; we are still in the bad old days of nested tables etc. It is always good to see people like Mr. Le Roy keep the torch going forward.

Partially automating TC22 (No, that’s not a new designer drug)

Download the source for this tool here
kick it on

Some years ago, a short while before I started stress testing my first set of diapers, Lennon was singing “Life is just what happens to you when you’re busy making other plans“. That was just the the first phrase that went through my head when I was told, last week, that another product would be pushed through the Certified For Windows Vista process. The phrase that followed was (reproduced here in a highly sanitized form) “Oh dear, we’ll have to run Test Case 22 on every installer”.

For those lucky people who have not yet had the dubious pleasure of running this test, it goes something like this: you open two instances of Orca, once containing your installer and one containing the reference schema. Then, you go through 80-odd tables, making sure that no custom fields have been added to the standard tables, and no custom tables (and their fields) have names starting with the “MSI” prefix. It is, in short, a drag, and a necessary one at that. You can read more about it in the Certified For Windows Vista Test Cases document.

Having a low boredom threshold, I know that if we were to do such a test manually, chances are that I’d miss something, with all the ensuing hilarity. This sounded like a job for [dramatic pause] a hastily clobbered together script! [fanfare] Continue reading “Partially automating TC22 (No, that’s not a new designer drug)”

FLIRt – A WordPress plugin

The inevitable disclaimer:

This WordPress plugin was thrown together in a fit of boredom by someone who is only vaguely aware of how the API is supposed to work, and whose last real contact with PHP development was, oh, so many years ago. If you want a proper FLIR plugin for WordPress, 23systems have the real thing in the WordPress Plugins directory. The one described here is for the few, the chosen, the band of brothers (and sisters) who want a daft excuse for a plugin to take apart.

Download FLIRt here

A couple of days ago, She Who Does Web was telling me about various ways of making a web page look a bit less crap, and the difficulty of making things stand out better when the only things at your disposal are about three fonts and a bit of chewing gum. sIFR was mentioned briefly, but being a grumpy old hack, I can’t make myself plonk a Flash movie into a page for the sole purpose of displaying some pretty fonts. I said so, and then I was told of FLIR. No, I am not making these acronyms up. Continue reading “FLIRt – A WordPress plugin”