Specifies which day of the week should be the first one on the calendar (i.e. the left-most column).
Default: 0 (Sunday).
Array of strings defining the labels which are used for day names.
Defaults: ["Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa"]
Array of strings defining the labels which are used for month names.
Default: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]
Determines whether the last row of the calendar should be displayed even if none of the dates in it belong to the current month.
Default: true
Determines whether weekends can be selected.
Default: true
Determines the earliest date that may be selected (inclusive). Days prior to this date will be disabled.
Default: none
Determines the latest date that may be selected (inclusive). Days after this date will be disabled.
Default: none
Callback function to use when the selected date changes. The function will be given the selected date as a parameter.
Default: none
Callback function to use when the month on display changes. The function will be given the date indicating the month as a parameter.
Default: none
Specifies a URL from which event information may be derived. If defined, the calendar will make a request every time the display month changes, passing the parameters month, year, and calendar. The calendar parameter will contain the id of the placeholder used to create the calendar.
The response should be a json object with the following properties:
An event object should be formed as follows:
Default: none
The type of HTTP request to make when loading events.
Default: "POST".
A callback function to use when a cell containing an event is clicked. The callback should use $(this).data("event.data")
to retrieve the event information.
Default: The default callback displays the event in an alert box.